Isabel Preysler sin maquillaje - Galería de fotos - Sálvame -

I am making the same recommendation now to everyone.

The only thing I am really trying to say that which I am saying to everyone whether pregant, young old, big, small, black, white, male, female, straight or gay...

I am creating a dream which is almost true.

Angelina Jolie is not really Angelina Jolie in real life.

The more I see of the rich and famous the more I see they don't exist as we know them. There are startling examples:

Isabel Preysler sin maquillaje - Galería de fotos - Sálvame -

I shoot and create selectively, enhancing reality, showing as my lawyer friend says the stating loudly the truth which the judge wants to hear and stressing less the truth which helps us less.

Perhaps I am guilty of not being true to real life.

Edward Olive Fotógrafo de boda+34 605610767


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