Citypulse - Lomography expo
Citypulse Lomo exhibition
Galeria Moro Santiago de Chile gallery from 12th december 2009
Featuring fine art photography from Edward Olive
Organised by George Lever
Also featuring work by Maya Newman
- Daniel Kevorkian
- Walter Edwards
- Alba Escayo
- Lionel Muñoz
To be featured in upcoming hard copy and online magazine accompanying the exhibition
Also projection of photography this week in madrid that includes my nudes:
Proyección el miércoles 16 a las 19:15 en el aula 31 (en la 2ª planta) de la Escuela de Caminos Canales y Puertos de la UPM, metro C. Universitaria L6. Autobuses: F, G, 133, 82, 132